"We must all suffer from one of two pains, the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons". Jim Rohn

Set your goals high, then exceed them, and to do that we need discipline. Are you a disciplined person?  Discipline is a big one for me and I need to consciously work on it every day. My mother on the other hand has it in droves and I can only look on at her with envy and wonder why a little bit of it was not sprinkled onto me.

There are numerous factors that contribute to success, but discipline can be considered a cornerstone to it. It is behind virtually everything we do and accomplish, and at the same time, lack of discipline is often behind what has not been accomplished. As Jim Rohn put it, "It is the bridge between our goals and success".  It is doing what needs to be done whether we feel like it or not. I know that I for one have paid a heavy price at times for my lack of it, so I work at it constantly. I know, it is key.

Think about it, what do we need to do to make a dream or goal a reality? (see related post here).
We need action, we need consistency, we need persistence and more, but behind almost all of it lies discipline. Action takes discipline, consistency requires discipline. It is our ability to do what needs to be done whether we feel like it or not. We want to travel the world? We  need a plan, a budget, a timeline, and then the discipline and determination  to make it happen. The two D's

How can we become more disciplined.

  • Know what you want and why it is important to you.
  • Be aware of the rewards your discipline will bring.
  • Be aware of the price you will pay if you are not disciplined.
  • Understand that change takes time.
  •  Make small changes at first to avoid being overwhelmed.
  • If you fall short, be kind to yourself and start again

What area of your life would you like to be more disciplined in. How will being better disciplined serve you?

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