AMBITION....... What Does It Mean to You?

When you hear the word ambition what description first springs to mind for you?  Drive? A strong desire to achieve? Laser focus on attaining certain goals? Or would it be someone ruthlessly pursuing there objectives? One thing is for certain. Successful people are ambitious. Brian Tracey defines ambition as "neutral". It is neither good nor bad but rather it is  how we use ambition in our life that gives it a judgement value. A bit like money really.

Why is it that some people have it bursting out of their veins, while others never feel it no matter how many life chances are sent their way?  So, is ambition something that we are born with, or can we attain it at any stage in our lives?  Can our ambitions increase or decline at various stages of our lives?  Yes, I believe they can. 

Life changing events can often be the trigger that ignites new ambitions in us. Tragedy, bereavement, a job loss, or divorce can often be a trigger for people as they are forced to  discover new talents and directions they never would otherwise have dreamed of. For others, having children could give a new perspective in life with new goals and motivations. Perhaps, for others, as they approach a certain age they stop and question the route their lives are taking, and choose to change the direction they want it to go in. In all of the above situations people will react differently. Challenges and obstacles are often the turning points for us and hopefully these circumstances are the making of us and not the breaking of us. 

Achieving ones ambitions in life does not come easily  It takes determination, focus, and persistence often under difficult circumstances. A price many are not prepared to pay. They may want X,Y  or Z, but are not prepared to do what needs to be done to achieve their ambitions. Some are happier 
 a little further down the ladder, and that is a choice they have every right to make.  

However challenging pursuing ones ambitions may be, I have come to realise over time that if we really want something badly enough we can achieve virtually anything  We need a very strong why, (why are we doing it), and believe very strongly in ourselves, our why and our ability to achieve it, which is not always easy.  Self confidence and self belief should not be confused with arrogance.

Is it worth following our ambitions? Yes, I would argue that it is. Life goes by quickly. It is a one time event and it deserves to be lived as fully, interestingly,, and meaningfully as possible. 

1 comment:

  1. Somebody said, I don't know who: " obstacles are what you see when you take your eye off the goal".
