One of the most difficult lessons that I have had to learn is the importance of pushing through. You know that feeling you get, when you are working hard, doing the right things, and the results are yet to show? And this is where your vision for what you are striving for, and the power of your why, come very strongly into play.

Many dreams sadly die in their early stages because following our dreams is never easy. As you follow your dreams there will be setbacks and rejections time and time again. You set a goal, you work hard at it but the results are yet to show. You keep hearing that word, no, time and time again. Mentally this is a dangerous place to be for many of us, because we are now feeling defeated and vulnerable, doubting our ability, doubting that our dream and vision will ever come to fruition. We are now in danger of convincing ourselves that this is not working and throw in the towel. Perhaps when success is now only a stones throw away, if we had just kept going.

At this time we need to dig deep, deeper than we ever imagined and be prepared to hear one more no, and then another if necessary, and then another. Then, because we have kept going comes the yes, or the result, that we have been working so hard for.

So please don't give up. Speak to one more person. Try one more time. Hear one more no, but do not take it personally. Know that the yes you are looking for is there waiting for you, if you can just push through the no's and disappointment. As the legendary Gary Player said: "Achieving greatness is not meant to be easy". That is what makes it special. The same can be said about success and living your dreams. It goes to the small percentage who had the courage to push through, however difficult at the time.

Photo courtesy of Ashley Hall at Pearl Wanderings


  1. As Gary Player responded when someone remarked how lucky he was to win all these tournaments “yes, the more I practice the luckier I get”. I agree with what you say completely, perseverance is very important, but so is the ability to recognise that possibly you are flogging the wrong horse and perhaps you need to change mounts.

    1. Yes, I agree. Changing mount is very important when we are on the wrong horse. What I am referring to here though is that often we are on the right track but the results have yet to show.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Sorry this was deleted purely as it was an accidental repeat of the comment which I loved, Thank you Marjorie.
